I jumped a little simulated meet condition today, trying to figure out how to jump at Belton. I started on Don's 1440 from 4 strides/8 steps, 43'. If I hit the pole I blew it away, and if I backed off a little I wasn't in enough to turn up. Cleared my opener of 10'6" by a mile and had good height on 11'.
I moved back a stride to 5/10/54' and went up to the 1445. Again, I didn't get in for two jumps and then I blew it away twice before stopping.
I think my issue is the timing on a 14'1/4.30m sailpiece is different. I need to grip a bit higher and jump through the take off a little longer. But again, when I do that I'm off the back of the pit, and if I miss it a little I can't turn up. Just need some more jumps to figure out the timing for the right grip and pole.
Though progress feels slow, when I hit a position I get launched. I'm also able to run pretty well without much thought of my legs being hurt. I do my five sleds before and five after I jump, two great leg lift days and five days of stretching. Over time this will pay off.
I think one of my biggest problems has been that my smaller 12'4s/3.75m weren't made properly. I won't go into it here but three of my seven poles do not behave like poles. They have no sailpiece and respond more like a broomstick. I spent a month trying to adapt to something that can't be jumped on. Now I'm in a good place to continue creeping forward.
The other major issue I have had is learning how to jump at 10 lbs/4.5 kg lighter. It changes the pole, grip, take off dynamics, etc. I'm catching on to this and feel I will be able to get on bigger poles with higher grips again soon.
I think in Belton in two weeks I will do what I did today, and in Reno in four weeks I'll just go for it on my 13'7"/4.15m poles. That's the plan now, besides not getting hurt. Thanks for checking in. Bubba
Megadeth - "99 Ways to Die" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEjE5BmMekQ
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