Thursday, November 26, 2015


I was reading a list of dos and don't sent to me by my great friend, Allan Williams of Great Britain.  Many were known and obvious but some jumped out at me.  The biggest one was something to the effect of don't think you will get a different result with the same approach.

On one hand, I know what works and it always works.  That said, there may be a faster path that can make me better.  I've already committed to 8-12 minute cardio sessions four days a week, two each on the Gauntlet StairMaster (actual stairs, not that wimpy bounce up and down) and LifeCycle.  I also have made a serious focus on stretching.  So were is the change?

Forever I've been lifting sets of 8,6,4 and I realized that I don't progress my weights hardly at all with this approach. I used to do 8,6,4 one day and 6,4,2 on the 2nd weekly rotation.  THAT allowed me to progress.  I haven't done that in a long time because I didn't think I was in shape enough to.

Two weeks ago I decided to start doing ladders on bench and keep the 8,6,4 for the rest of the lifts.  So 5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5 and BAM, my lifts started going up fast.  Today I started the same thing on hack squat but only did the ladder down - 5,4,3,2,1.  I really think this, and then forcing myself to increase the weight between the 8,6,4, will give me huge gains.

Suddenly I'm faster, on bigger poles, and I've put on a couple of pounds.  Too early to tell but I think this jarred my ody into rogress.  In any case I"ll keep it up.  Have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for checking this out!  Bubba

Sublime - 'What I Got" -

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